A lot of you have a problem with ethics and ethical decisions. Well, on the Indiana Bar Association, I found this that may help you all:
Ethics counseling for lawyers & judges available by phone
The telephone advisory panel of the ISBA Legal Ethics Committee has fielded hundreds of calls from attorneys since establishment of the panel more than 10 years ago. This little-known service was made available to lawyers and judges by the Association to provide a "hotline" for obtaining ethical counseling for members who have, or believe they have, an ethical dilemma, and who typically do not have the time to await a formal opinion by the full committee. Or, more often, the caller has preliminarily decided upon a course of conduct that is thought to conform to the Rules of Professional Conduct, but needs to discuss that course with a committee member for reassurance.
The dedicated members of the advisory panel welcome such calls, provided the caller first has carefully reviewed the seemingly implicated rule or rules and any cases that appear in the annotations to such rule, and has been unable to arrive at a comfortable solution to the dilemma.To obtain counseling on a matter of legal ethics, click here for a roster of the telephone advisory panel. (The panel will not respond to inquiries by nonmembers of the Association.)
In responding to a call, the advisory panel member likely will not provide an opinion, authority for which is reserved to the committee as a whole. Rather, the advisor will discuss with the inquirer the effect of particular rules upon the proposed conduct, and perhaps make a recommendation as to how to avoid a particular ethical pitfall.
Hello world!
8 months ago
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